Church Singles Groups Meet for Fun, Food and Friendship

Make New Friends

Christian Singles Groups Offer More Social Opportunities!

Find new friends in church singles groups all across the country through our growing directory of church singles websites. Make new contacts with people that share your faith and just happen to be single like you.  See the map here and select your state.

While some churches have organized singles groups, others do not. Many churches offer great home Bible studies, but miss the basic need that single adults have for fellowship like meeting for Sunday lunch or other fun activities that build friendships.

The Need: If you’re a single adult, then you know how important it is to socialize and make new friends. Christian singles often come to church hoping to meet people and find a Christian singles group to be a part of, but sometimes the local church just isn’t prepared in this area.

The Solution: Just as Jesus sought to meet the physical needs of people by multiplying the five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:12-17), singles need help overcoming loneliness and that comes by providing them a time and place to meet other Christians and make new friends. Many single adults are longing for their social needs to be met in church through “get-togethers” with other Christian singles – including food and fellowship.

What Can You Do?

You can be a part of the solution by leading a singles group within your church and bringing church singles together for lasting friendships.


It’s now easier than ever before to reach people you don’t know. Church singles are searching online through search engines like Google and Yahoo for Christian singles groups in their area. We have a few ways where you can have a website available for them so they can participate in your local singles activites and see your scheduled calendar of events.

If you don’t know how to make a website then you’ll love the site, which is very popular nationwide…

Learn how To Start A Church Singles Group Using

If you know how to make websites or you’re willing to learn, then you’ll find this page helpful…

Learn how To Develop A Church Singles Website Using Your Computer

Activities for church singles can cover a wide range of possibilities like community service, helping at a nursing home, trail walking, hiking, volleyball, miniature golfing, eating out at restaurants, movies, game night, etc.

We’re looking for volunteers that would like to start a church singles ministry in their city. This outreach is designed to bring Christian singles together, dispel loneliness and isolation, minister to their social needs and direct people to a Bible-based church like Calvary Chapel, Assemblies of God or Foursquare Gospel for their spiritual needs to be met.

If you have a church singles group or singles ministry that you would like to share, click on Share Singles Websites. If you want to meet Christian singles, make new friends and fellowship with other believers, click on Find Local Singles Websites.

Christian singles meet in church singles groups all across the country.  If you know of any church singles group websites, please submit all singles group sites here.


Meet singles at church and/or start a church singles group today! seeks to expand its nationwide outreach to the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

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