Personal Growth Resources For Christian Single Adults


Life Changing Media Resources

Understanding The Bible - Totally Free and Easy Online Listening

Tom Farrell – Jesus said, “You must be born again!”  Learn how to become born again.  See this important video presentation for all the details and make sure you are going to heaven when you die.

Duane Vander Klock – Pastor of ResLife Church in Michigan asks and answers “What is Your Purpose in Life?

Andrew Wommack – Several Bible studies on topics that promote success for everyday living. It is excellent faith building teaching!  For example… Are you sad?  Learn how to be happy!

Chuck Smith – Former pastor of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California takes you through the Bible chapter by chapter.

Joyce Meyer – Learn about successful living and how to overcome challenges in life. You don’t want to miss this excellent Bible teaching because it will enhance your life as you learn how to live in victory!

YouVersion phone app – Hear a recorded version of the Bible verse by verse and read along with the speaker.  Several versions and voices to select.  Make it your goal to read the Bible completely within one year and see how much your health and perspective on life will improve!

Christian Apologetics - Specific Answers to Serious Questions

Ask Dr Brown – Search his digital library for answers to your questions.  

Christian Apologetics Research Ministry – Great resource for finding the truth regarding cults, doctrine, creation, etc. See why the Bible is the Word of God and many more topics that validate the Christian faith so even a skeptic can believe.

Way Of The Master – Learn how to effectively share your faith with others and answer challenging questions by watching these excellent videos.

Debt Relief Guidance

Forward Financial Group – This firm offers counseling and guidance in financial planning and how to get out of debt as soon as possible.  Ask about their “free, no obligation plan for getting out of debt”.

Online Christian Radio Stations

Oasis Radio Network – Gospel music that is upbeat and inspirational in the afternoon and evening.  Bible teaching in the morning.

Old Fashion Christian Radio – Worshipful music that includes choirs, quartets, instruments, etc.  Hear music that has lasted and inspired generations of devoted Christians.

Dress For Success And Visually Bless Others

How Our Clothing Speaks – People observe how you dress and that can speak louder than your words.  Give honor and respect to others by dressing well and they will respect you!

Leadership Development and Successful Living Tips

John Maxwell – Learn principles of leadership that move you toward success in life. See John Maxwell’s “Minute with Maxwell” series of videos and learn from an expert.

Les Brown – Motivational speaker and author, shares how to succeed in life by being persistent and never giving up on your dreams. Watch his videos and prepare for success in life!

Nick Vujicic – Listen to Nick speak and you’ll realize that nothing is impossible to you.  As a Christian you’ll see that all things are possible to those who believe and put their trust in the Lord.

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