Asbury United Methodist Church Singles in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Meet Local Singles at Asbury United Methodist Church!
Asbury United Methodist Singles Tulsa OK
Asbury Singles is sponsored by Asbury United Methodist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They offer several ways for single adults to meet new friends. Go to their website and click on the ADULTS tab in the menu bar where you will then seen the web page for SINGLES. On the singles web page you can choose from Generations, Single B.A.S.I.X., New Beginnings Class and Christ Centered Singles. There are also several opportunities for Young Adults in another web page.
Asbury United Methodist has a calendar of events that you’ll want to review each month. Wednesday night dinner is a great way to meet other singles with or without children and the cost is very reasonable.
If you haven’t found what you’re looking for at Asbury Singles or if you’re looking for a location closer to home, you could help others by starting your own singles group and network of friends. As you reach out to help others find the friends they need, you’ll find more friends too. Take action today and learn about how to start a Christian singles group ministry.
Do you attend Asbury United Methodist Church Singles? If so, please share your experience in the comment section below and the best way to get involved with your church singles groups.