Meet Local Singles in Minnesota Christian Singles Groups
There are several possibilities for meeting Christian singles in Minnesota. If you know of other Christian singles sites to add to our directory, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
If you live in an area where there are not many Christian singles groups, consider starting a singles group. Helping others is rewarding and it will benefit you as well.
Brooklyn Park, MN – Living Word Christian Center Singles
Discover all the singles activities in the small group section of the website, including singles game night, eating out, Bible study, etc. They also offer special interest groups for people interested in bowling, bicycling, fishing, etc.
Lakeside, MN – Hosanna Church Singles
With locations in Lakeside, Dundas, Rosemount and Shakopee, this church as small groups and service areas where you can participate and meet other single adults.
Lino Lakes, MN – Eagle Brook Church Singles
Choose from several small groups (for all ages) available to single adults. This church offers a wide variety of groups – even bike groups, 30 something groups, etc. Church campuses include Anoka, Blaine, Lakeville, Lino Lakes, Rochester, Spring Lake Park, Wayzata, White Bear Lake and Woodbury.
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN – Single Christian Fellowship
Active calendar of events for meeting Christian singles for lunch, dinner, the movies, volleyball, game night and more.
Rochester, MN – Christ Community Church Singles
Join this group for fun, food and fellowship. Call or visit the information desk on Sunday morning to get more information about their singles ministry.