Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church Singles

Newport Beach, California

Meet Christian Singles at Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church!

St Andrews Presbyterian Singles

St Andrews Presbyterian Singles Newport Beach CA

St Andrews Presbyterian singles is a ministry to single adults in Newport Beach, California. This singles group provides outreach opportunities, meets weekly for small group Bible studies and also provides social events.

They also have a singles group for young adults.  Be sure to explore their website and get all the details on when they meet.

If you’re looking for more fellowship opportunities than you found at the St Andrews Presbyterian Singles group consider starting your own singles ministry. Nothing is impossible so be bold and start your own singles ministry and network of friends. Take the challenge and be a blessing to others!

Do you attend Saint Andrews Presbyterian church?  If so, please share your thoughts and any helpful advise you have on how someone new can become active in your church.  Remember to keep your review positive and helpful as you share below.

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